
Base-sequence-independent efficient redox switching of self- assembled DNA nanocages

Bang Wang, Lei Song, Bang Jin, Ning Deng, Xiaojing Wu, Jianbo He, Zhaoxiang Deng, and Yulin Li


Stimuli-responsivity has been extensively pursued in dynamic DNA nanotechnology, due to its incredible application potentials. Out of the diverse stimuli categories, redox-responsive DNA assembly holds great promises for broad applications, especially considering that redox systems widely exist in various physiological environments. However, only a few studies have been reported on redox-sensitive dynamic DNA assembly. Although ingenious, most of these studies are either DNA sequence- dependent or involve chemical modification. Herein, we report a facile and universal mechanism to realize redox-responsive self- assembly of DNA nanocages (tetrahedron and cube) driven by the reversible chemical conversion between cystamine and cysteamine toward dynamic DNA nanotechnology.

Over the past three decades, dynamic DNA nanotechnology has attracted extensive interests due to its great potential in nanomachinery, smart drug delivery, and biocomputing.[1-9] Diverse chemical as well as physical stimuli have been introduced to trigger a dynamic DNA system, including proton, heat, light, enzyme, metal ions, and redox agents.[10-23] Among these works, redox-responsiveness has been widely pursued owing to its physiological relevance which might generate important biotechnical applications.[19-23] However, only a few successes have been reported so far. Waller et al. achieved a redox switching of DNA secondary structures by tuning the Cu+- mediated C-C base pairing in i-motif.[24] This interesting design broadened the category of redox-responsive chemical triggers toward DNA’s conformational control. Nevertheless, the DNA part was limited to i-motif. The disulphide crosslinking has exhibited great potential in drug delivery and controlled release due to its responsiveness to diverse in-vivo redox environments.[25-27] Recently, redox-responsive DNA nanostructures were realized by synthetic incorporation of disulfide linkages in DNA strands.[19-22] This strategy has an impressive generality which is adaptable for different DNA structures. However, covalent modification of a redox- responsive unit into a regular DNA sequence would add extra synthetic efforts along with significantly increased costs.[19-23].Therefore, an intrinsically different method toward a facile, universal, and reversible control of dynamic DNA assemblies based on redox chemistry is highly expected. Small organic molecules hold great potential in designing dynamic systems of DNA self-assembly, due to their tunable properties and various interactions with DNA. In our previous work, we realized the universal and reversible regulation of DNA self-assembly by taking advantage of the pH responsiveness of ethylenediamine.[10] Therefore, adopting appropriate co-existing redox-responsive organic molecules to regulate DNA self- assembly through non-covalent electrostatic interaction might be a very promising approach to achieve facile and sequence- independent redox control of DNA self-assembly.

Herein, we report a simple, generalizable, and low-cost strategy toward dynamically switched DNA self-assembly, based on a reversible redox-interconversion between cystamine and cysteamine molecules coexisting with DNA. Cystamine (Cyst) is a small organic compound with a linear geometry, which has two amino groups at its termini and a redox-active disulfide bond in the middle. The divalent cationic charge on protonated Cyst (Cyst2+) makes it a potential stabilizer for DNA assemblies via an effective screening of DNA’s negative charges (in a way similar to divalent metal ions). Importantly, cystamine can be converted into a counterpart structure, cysteamine, upon chemical reduction to break the disulphide bond. The protonated form of cysteamine (Cyste+) bears a single positive charge, corresponding to much less effective electrostatic screening. The chemical conversion can be achieved easily by reacting Cyst2+ with L-glutathione (GSH) or DL-dithiothreitol (DTT) reductants. Oppositely, the thiol group (-SH) of Cyste+ can be oxidatively coupled to form Cyst2+ in the presence of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) such that the disulfide bond is re-formed. The reversible switching between Cyst2+ and Cyste+ cations leads to sharply different electrostatic screening of DNA’s phosphate backbones, which would provide a facile but effective regulation for dynamic DNA assembly. DNA nanocages were chosen to demonstrate our strategy, considering the ease of preparation and especially their potential applications in various areas such as theranostic drug delivery.[28-32]

We first tested the effectiveness of Cyst2+ in helping the assembly of a three-dimensional (3D) DNA tetrahedron (TET). Instead of using a conventional TAE/Mg2+ buffer, we chose TA buffers (40 mM Tris, 20 mM acetic acid, pH 8.0) containing different concentrations of cystamine to assemble the TET structure from a 3-point-star Y-tile. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) was employed to monitor the assembly process. The TET built in a standard TAE/Mg2+ buffer was used as a molecular size maker for the PAGE analysis.[28] The gel data in Figure S3 revealed a correctly assembled TET product in the presence of 3.6 mM cystamine, by comparing with the structure assembled in TAE/Mg2+. This result clearly demonstrated the effectiveness of Cyst2+ in promoting DNA assembly. The assembled TET maintained high stability even when the cystamine solution was diluted four folds. (Figure S5). Besides PAGE analysis, we also employed atomic force microscopy (AFM) for characterization (Figures S6). The TET easily collapsed on the mica surface due to the empty triangular faces and showed an average height of 2.5 nm, which was consistent with that reported by literature.[33] In addition to the regular thermal annealing process, the Cyst2+-containing buffer was also compatible with an isothermal annealing strategy for DNA assembly by supplementing with 5% (v/v) formamide (termed as TAF/Cyst).[34-39] The gel image in Figure S7 evidenced an isothermal formation of TET in a high yield by employing the slightly altered buffer recipe. Different from Cyst2+, a TA buffer containing Cyste+ was not effective in promoting the TET assembly. The gel results in Figures 2 and S5 failed to show a successfully assembled TET in the presence of different concentrations of Cyste+, by either thermal or isothermal annealing (lanes 2’ and 3’ in Figure 2).

The primary structures formed in the presence of Cyste+ might be partially assembled Y tiles and their dimers (Figure S8). These results supported our hypothesis that monovalent Cyste+ does not offer sufficient electrostatic screening in favor of a stable DNA tetrahedron, while its divalent Cyst2+ counterpart does a very good job. The sharp contrast between the roles of Cyst2+ and Cyste+ during the assembly of the TET structure laid a foundation for us to realize redox-sensitive DNA assembly, which would undoubtedly broaden the family of dynamic DNA systems toward more innovative applications. Taking the tetrahedral DNA nanocage as the first example, we investigated its redox- switched multiple assembly/disassembly cycles in a fully reversible manner. The three constituent strands responsible for the TET assembly were annealed isothermally in a TAF/Cyst buffer (5 mM cystamine, 40 mM Tris, 20 mM acetic acid, 5% (v/v) formamide, pH 8.0). Following this step, a GSH reductant and a H2O2 oxidant were alternately introduced to the system, followed by maintaining the solutions at room temperature (ca. 25 °C) for 3 hours. The gel image in Figure 3b clearly monitored two assembly and disassembly cycles of TET upon the additions of H2O2 and GSH, respectively. Such a success benefitted from the easy redox-conversion between cystamine and cysteamine. We roughly estimated the reassembly yields of TET, which were 66% and 63% after one and two redox-responsive cycles, respectively (Figure S12a). The reassembled TET after a redox- responsive cycle showed an average height of 2.5 nm in AFM image, consistent with that of TET before switching (Figure S13). In addition to GSH, the disassembly of the TET structure could also be induced by another reductant such as DTT (dithiothreitol) (Figure S14). These results pointed to a fact that DNA assembly could be actively controlled by altering the redox status of co-existing molecules (e.g. cystamine and cysteamine in this case).

The above regulations stemmed from co-existing, redox- sensitive small molecules rather than specific DNA sequences. This advantage offers an impressive generality of our method in terms of redox-responsive DNA assembly. Accordingly, a DNA nanocube was chosen as another example to demonstrate the redox control. The cube was assembled from a symmetric Y-tile with an arm length of 2.25 helical turns, which was different from the TET-forming Y-tile (2 turns for each arm). Such a modification caused a flipping of each newly associated tile during the assembly such that an even (4 for a cube) number of facet vertices were preferred in as-formed DNA polyhedra.[40] The gel image in Figure 4b verified multiple assembly and disassembly switchings of the DNA cube, which were readily controlled by H2O2 and GSH additions. The reassembly yields of DNA cube were estimated to be 46% and 31% after one and two redox-responsive cycles, respectively (Figure S12b).
In conclusion, we have developed a facile strategy to realize redox-responsive self-assembly of DNA nanocages. The formation and disruption of the DNA structures are driven by an interconversion between protonated cystamine (Cyst2+) and cysteamine (Cyste+) molecules, which show sharply different electrostatic screening abilities. The employment of redox- sensitive small molecular units coexisting with a pH buffer makes our strategy a general process independent on DNA sequences. The regulation of DNA self-assembly does not rely on specific DNA sequences and thus provides a quite universal platform where diverse higher ordered DNA nanostructures could be applied. Moreover, our strategy could be easily expanded. Other organic molecules with various functions and structures may offer unique regulations in dynamic DNA self- assembly, achieving more delicate controls. In addition, this approach does not involve complicated chemical modifications or syntheses, which might be coupled to an electrochemical mechanism toward remote electrical control. In particular, the easy redox-switching of self-assembled DNA nanocages between closed (intact) and open (disrupted) states would allow pursuits of smart cargo delivery in response to in-vivo (micro- environmental) chemical cues. The present research holds great potential in applications such as nanorobotics, chemical logics, and bio/nanomedicines.


This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 21605033, 21425521 and 21521001), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (No. JZ2016HGPA0734), the National Key Research and Development Program of China (No. 2016YFA0201300) and a start-up fund from Hefei University of Technology.

Conflict of interest
The authors declare no conflict of interest.

Keywords: DNA • self-assembly • nanocage • nanotechnology • redox-responsive

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